I have a love of cookbooks & reading and was tickled to see this.
I've had quite a busy summer, so blogging hasn't been a priority of mine. The kids are enjoying their summer, Gavin-playing baseball in the yard & catching frogs in the evenings, Alex- head in computer & ipod (she's 12, need I say more??), and Abigail- playing with her barbies & helping me bake cookies.
I've been taking pictures, occasionally working as an RN, and just hanging out with my family (oh, and Im in this fabulous womens "living room" bible study, by Kelly Minter).
We are going to New York in about a week... excited to get out of Ohio for a while. No beach for us, until October this year (Disney & beach vacation).
I hope everyone is having a great summer. Fall will be here before we know it, so get out the bikini and get your fannies to the POOL!

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