I even got to meet Patsy Clairmont! She only signed 30 autographs & I was one of them. :) There were over 13,000 women in attendance.

Amber & Andy Andrews

We had starbucks during a lunch break.

Andy Andrews (Author)

The Praise team

Lisa Welchel (Blair from Facts of Life)

Mandisa (She was on American Idol)

Sandi Patty

Steven Curtis Chapman

Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife

Anita Renfroe singing Iced Tea!

Sandi Patty

Patsy Clairmont

Anita Renfroe singing Sweet ol' Iced Tea! So funny.
Steven Curtis Chapman lost his small daughter almost 2 years ago, in a tragic accident. He wrote this song to all of his daughters before she died. He sang it at women of faith. Let me just tell you, its tear jerking. He talked about how she would always come up to him in her little cinderella costume and ask him to dance with her. It totally reminded me of abigail.
Its not letting me embed it on my blog. You can go to the link on you tube to watch it.
Mandisa perfomed this song at the conference. It was my favorite performance & it gave me chills watching her sing this in a room full of thousands of women. It was an emotional song.
Here are the lyrics...
Mandisa “He Is With You”
There’s a time to live
And a time to die
There’s a time to laugh
And a time to cry
There’s a time for war
And a time for peace
There’s a hand to hold
In the worst of these
He is with you when your faith is dead
And you can’t even get out of bed
Or your husband doesn’t kiss you anymore
He is with you when your baby’s gone
And your house is still,
And your heart’s a stone
Cryin’ God, what’d You do that for
He is with you
There’s a time for yes
And a time for no
There’s a time to be angry
And a time to let it go
There is a time to run
And a time to face it
There is love to see you
Through all of this
He is with you in the conference room
When the world is coming down on you
And your wife and kids don’t know you anymore
He is with you in the ICU
When the doctors don’t know what to do
And it scares you to the core
He is with you
We may weep for a time
But joy will come in the morning
The morning light
He is with you when your kids are grown
When there’s too much space
And you feel alone
And you’re worried if you
got it right or wrong
Yes He is with you
when you’ve given up on ever finding your true love
Someone who feels like home
He is with you
When nothing else is left
And you take your final breath
He is with you

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