A razor scooter
Nike tennis shoes
A CSI science kit
a Target gift card
A Toys R Us gift card
$20 from nana
A baseball batting practice kit
More Target, barnes and noble, and gamestop gift cards
Club Penguin 6 month membership
and a few more things (I cant remember).
This year Gavin's top 10 list of favorite things are...
1. Legos
2. Riding his bike, scooter, skateboard
3. Playing with anyone who will play with him (he is a social butterfly)
4. Video games
5. Club Penguin (on the computer)
6. Reading his books (Loves to read, like me)
7. Reading his bible and studying scriptures
8. Going to the movies
9. Collecting rocks
10. Trading lego men and silly bracelets

Gavin is doing well in school. He had assessment testing recently and I just received a letter in the mail yesterday that the gifted coordinator wants to test Gavin for the gifted program. (Following in the footsteps of his older sister). Im so proud of him.

Me & Retta

Kinzie & Alex

The Gang

Sibling rivalry

Gavin's best friend

Gavins other best friend

Eva, Alex, and kinzie

Me & John

Grandpa Nelson

Alex & Aunt Nikki

Me & mom

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